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- OLA Bike Trek 2009 - Part III

Less than three weeks to go until my 200 km bike trek for the lung association of Ontario!
I am more than excited and am also more than half way to collecting my minimum of $400 dollars in pledges. I was astounded as to the generosity of my neighbours last week when I went knocking on doors: out of approximately 20 houses, I managed to collect $85 in pledges.
I have been training heavily and am currently recovering from a very sore quadricep muscle, which seems to stem from an overly powerful hamstring muscle that is now overpowering the weaker quadriceps, causing undue strain and tears. An uneven exercise program is the cause and is entirely my fault, I have been focusing on my hamstrings much more than my quadriceps as I do not have a road bike with clamp in pedals and will have to rely more heavily on my hamstrings than my quadriceps. The pain is subsiding rather quickly, but I know that I have to give more attention to my quads in order to prevent this from reoccurring. A few more days off and I am back to a more rigorous training regimen to prepare myself mentally and physically for the 200 kilometer bike ride.
I have already noticed signs being posted throughout the downtown Windsor area denoting the correct path to take on the trek. I feel proud to be a part of something like this.
If any of my readers want to help me reach my pledge goal of $400, they can visit my donation page. Any little amount, even a dollar, will be of great help! Much thanks!